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Executive Program in Business Analytics

Witness the different overview of market and analyse the strategic business decision with IMI Delhi

Learn with Experts

Analyse your learning with industry experts

Learn Anything

On strategic and business operation activities

Flexible Learning

Access to your analysed learning, with your satisfactory schedule

Industrial Standard

Get a standardized framework for your tools

Program Overview


Comprehensive Understanding

Gain a thorough understanding of how data analytics contributes to corporate growth.



Gain managerial knowledge of structured and unstructured data mining, machine learning tools, and processes.



Determine which organisational departments stand to benefit financially from the innovative use of business analytics.



Discover how to create and apply data-driven solutions that are in line with organisational objectives by learning strategic approaches.


Gap Analysis

Discover how to spot abnormalities and gaps in results from machine learning models and provide tailored business advice.



Acquire the ability to communicate data analysis insights using narrative approaches.

Average Salary Hike
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5-star reviews


My career was radically revolutionized by this Business Analytics training, taking me from Data Entry to Data Guru. I progressed from simple data entry to a position as a sought-after business analyst. My ability to apply real-world knowledge and insights from the industry helped me land this dream job.
Business Analyst, KPMG
Deciphering the Numbers Game: Previously, my job solely relied on instinct. I now have the means to properly comprehend the information underlying our business decisions thanks to this application. I can now examine complicated problems with assurance and suggest data-driven answers.
Marketing Manager, capgemini
Speaking Business Language: Prior to this seminar, data analysis was a foreign language to me. I can now confidently analyse data, share insights with stakeholders, and participate in the process of making strategic decisions.
Priya S
Operational Analyst, IBM
Seeing the Bigger Picture: I was able to make the connections between data, business procedures, and overarching corporate objectives thanks to this program. I can now see the wider picture and how my efforts help the company succeed.
Sales Analyst Representative, Optum
Learning on My Terms: This program's adaptable structure let me study at my own speed while juggling obligations to my family and job. The information was interesting and immediately related to my current position.
Project Analyzer, Uber

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Foundations of Business Analytics
4 weeks

Introduction to Business Analytics (4 hrs)

  • Introduction to Business Analytics – Concepts and Tools
  • Business Analytics – The need
  • Why invest in Business Analytics
  • Type and Scope of Analytics
  • Emerging Trends in Analytics

Understanding Data and Information (2 hrs)

  • Data Types and Big Data
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Risk Estimation Analytics
  • Social Media Analytics

Introduction to Microsoft Excel for Data Analysis (2 hrs)

  • Examining Data for Errors using formulas and functions
  • Using graphs and charts to identify data problems using Excel


  • PPTs and reading materials
  • Online links

Evaluation: Quiz

Basics of Statistics and Probability (4 hrs)

  • Descriptive Statistics: Central Tendency, Dispersion, Skewness, Kurtosis, Correlation Coefficients
  • Probability: Overview of Sets, Types of events, Venn Diagrams
  • Important laws of Probability
  • Hands-on tasks of the above in Excel using a business problem

Case study

  • Harvard Study: Central Parking Services Private Limited (IMB451), Abhishek Srivastav, Tanmay Gupta, Unnikrishnan Dinesh Kumar, (2013, IMB)


  • Handouts, Online links & PPTs

Evaluation: Quiz

Data Cleaning and Preparation Techniques (2 hrs)

  • Checking for missing values and outliers
  • Handling blank cells, duplicates, highlight errors

Descriptive Analytics (2 hrs)

  • Understanding descriptive analytics?
  • Steps – Collection, Preparation, Exploration and Visualization
  • Data Mining and Aggregation Techniques
  • Techniques and Real-world use cases


  • Handouts, Online links & PPTs

Evaluation: Quiz

Module 2: Programming for Analytics with Python
4 weeks

Introduction to Python Programming: (4 hours)

  • Introduction to Python
  • Reading Code, Printing Comments
  • User Input
  • Using Interactive Help
  • Variables and Naming, Numbers and functions, Strings and Text
  • Basic operators
    • Compound Boolean Expressions
  • Conditional Statements (if/else Statement)
    • Nested Conditionals
    • Multi-way Decision Statements
    • Multi-way Versus Sequential Conditionals
  • Iteration
    • While Statement
    • For Statement
    • Nested Loops
  • Functions and Modules Basics
    • The Built-in Functions
    • Parameter Passing

Python Lab Assignment: Worksheets will be given and will be solved in the class. Please note Google Colab ( will be used for the lab.

Readings: PPT & link of online references will be shared with the participants.

Evaluation: One Multiple Choice Quiz will be conducted to assess the understanding of Python basic concepts.

Introduction to NumPy for Numerical Computing (2 hours)

  • Importing the NumPy module
  • Arrays
    • Creating Numpy Arrays
    • Numpy Data Objects, dtype
    • Array indexing and looping.
    • Array mathematics.
    • Universal Functions: abs( ), exp( ), sqrt( ) etc.
    • Array Methods: min( ), max( ), sum( ), sort( ) std, etc
    • Array item selection and manipulation.
    • Concatenating, Flattening and Adding Dimensions in Arrays
    • Statistical features of arrays
  • Vector and matrix mathematics.

Python Lab Assignment: There will be One Assignment based on the topic discussed in this Section. Please note Google Colab ( will be used for the lab.

Readings: PPT & link of online references will be shared with the participants.

Evaluation: One Multiple Choice Quiz will be conducted to assess the understanding of NumPy for Numerical Computing concepts.

Data Structures and Manipulation with Pandas (2 hrs)

  • Introduction to Pandas: What is Pandas library?
  • Install and import Pandas
  • Definition of data structure, Overview of data structures in Pandas
    • Series — 1D
    • DataFrame — 2D
    • Panel — 3D
  • The Pandas Series
    • Series creation
    • Selecting elements from a Series
    • Assigning values to the elements
    • Operations and mathematical functions on series
  • The Pandas DataFrame
    • DataFrame creation
    • Reading data from CSV, JSON, or SQL and converting back to a CSV, JSON, or SQL
    • Selecting elements from a DataFrame
    • Assigning values to the elements
    • DataFrame operations
      • Viewing your data
      • Getting info about your data
      • Understanding your variables
      • Column cleanup
      • Handling Missing Values
      • Handling duplicates
      • DataFrame slicing, selecting, extracting.
  • The Pandas Panel
    • Panel creation
    • Selecting elements from a Panel

Python Lab Assignment: There will be One Assignment based on the topic discussed in this Section. Please note Google Colab ( will be used for the lab.

Readings: PPT & link of online references will be shared with the participants.

Evaluation: One Multiple Choice Quiz will be conducted to assess the understanding of Data Structures and manipulation with Python concepts.

Advanced Data Manipulation Techniques (2 hrs)

  • Filtering Data
  • Merging & Joining data
  • Aggregating Data
  • Pivoting Data
  • Creating Crosstab
  • Handling Missing Data
  • Transforming Data

Python Lab Assignment: There will be One Assignment based on the topic discussed in this Section. Please note Google Colab ( will be used for the lab.

Readings: PPT & link of online references will be shared with the participants.

Evaluation: One Multiple Choice Quiz will be conducted to assess the understanding of Advanced Data Manipulation Techniques concepts.

Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn (2 hrs)

  • What is visualization?
  • Choosing an appropriate visual
  • Basic Plots & Charts
    • Bar chart
    • Line Chart
    • Scatter Plot
  • Distribution Plots
    • Histogram
    • Boxplots
  • Heatmaps
    • Visualizing Correlations & Missing Values


  • Textbook: Reimagining Data Visualization Using Python by Seema Acharya, Wiley.
  • Online links & PPTs

Evaluation: Quiz

Introduction to Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn (4 hrs)

  • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
  • Prediction and classification methods
    • k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN)
    • Decision Trees
  • Mining relationships among records
    • Association Rules and Recommendation Systems
    • Cluster analysis

Case study:

  • Harvard study: Improving Lead Generation at Eureka Forbes Using Machine Learning Algorithms (IMB779-PDF-ENG), Nandini Seth, Manupriya Agrawal, Manaranjan Pradhan, Dinesh Kumar Unnikrishnan (2019, HBR)


  • Machine Learning with Python Cookbook by Chris Albon (Published by O’Reilly)
  • Online links, PPTs, Handout

Evaluation: Subjective question paper for one hour

Module 3: Mathematics and Statistical Analysis
6 weeks

Mathematics for Analytics (Linear Algebra, Calculus): (6 hrs)

Linear Algebra:

  • Matrices: Index, Types, Transpose, Addition, Multiplication (scalar, vector), Determinant, Inverse
  • Solving System of Equations
  • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  • Hands-on tasks of the above in Excel using a business problem


  • Basic functions and their types and applications
  • Differentiation: product rule, quotient rule, chain rule
  • Integration: Techniques and common integrals
  • Partial Differentiation
  • Hands-on tasks of the above in Excel using a business problem


  • Handout, Online links & PPTs

Evaluation: Quiz

Probability Distributions (4 hrs)

  • Recap of Basics of Probability
  • Random variables, rules of expectations
  • Joint, marginal, and conditional probability distributions
  • Discrete distributions: Binomial, Poisson
  • Continuous Distribution: Normal
  • Hands-on tasks of the above in Excel using a business problem

Case study:

  1. Harvard study: Probability Distributions (621704), Michael Parzen, Paul J. Hamilton (2021, HBR)
  2. Harvard study: Histograms and the Normal Distribution in Microsoft Excel (W16413), Kyle Maclean, Lauren E. Cipriano, Gregory S. Zaric, (2016, Ivey)


  1. Textbook: Aczel Amir D and Sounderpandian J Complete Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill (7th edition, 2012).
  2. Online links, PPTs, Handout

Evaluation: Quiz

Inferential Statistics (4 hrs)

  • Population, Sample, Parameter, Statistic, Sample Survey
  • Sampling techniques: probabilistic, non-probabilistic
  • Sampling distribution of sample statistic, mean, proportion, variance
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Point and Interval Estimation
  • Sample size determination
  • Estimation properties
  • Hands-on tasks of the above in Excel using a business problem

Case study:

Harvard Study: Sampling and Statistical Inference (191092), Arthur Schleifer Jr.(1990, HBR)


  • Textbook: Aczel Amir D and Sounderpandian J Complete Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill (7th edition, 2012).
  • Online links, PPTs, Handout

Evaluation: Quiz

Hypothesis Testing (4 hrs)

  • Define Null and Alternate Hypotheses
  • Types of errors in decision making process and their significance in business decisions (Type -I and Type-II errors)
  • Mean, proportion, and variance tests (Z test, t-test, Chi-square-test, F-test)
  • Chi-square Contingency test
  • Hands-on tasks of the above in Excel using a business problem

Case study:

  1. The repercussions of Type-I error beyond Statistics: Kakali Kanjilal (October 2022), IMI Insights BlogPost
  2. Harvard study: Testing Marketing Hypotheses at WSES (IMB693), Dinesh Kumar Unni Krishnan (2018, IIMB)


  • Textbook: Aczel Amir D and Sounderpandian J Complete Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill (7th edition, 2012).
  • Online links, PPTs, Handout

Evaluation: Take home assignment

Regression Analysis (4 hrs)

  • Linear regression analysis
  • Regression diagnostics
  • Logistic regression analysis
  • Identifying gaps & anomalies
  • Hands-on tasks of the above in Python using a business problem

Case study:

  • Harvard study: Women and Children First on the Titanic (W13259), Chris A. Higgins, Crystal Ji (2013, Ivey)


  • Textbook: Machine Learning with Python Cookbook by Chris Albon (Published by O’Reilly)
  • Online links & PPTs

Evaluation: Take home assignment

Time Series Analysis (2 hrs)

  • Time series decomposition
  • Time trend analysis
  • Exponential smoothing
  • ARIMA forecasting
  • Hands-on tasks of the above in Python using business problems

Case study:

  • Harvard study: City of London Water: Predicting Electricity Prices and Optimizing Operations (W19122), Ernesto Arandia, Joe Naoum-Sawaya, Kira Wembo Xue (2019, Ivey)


  • Online links, PPTs, and research articles.

Evaluation: Take home assignment

Module 4: Advanced Excel for Business Analytics
4 weeks

Advanced Formulas and Functions (4 hrs)

  • Introduction to Referencing, Formula and Functions
  • Logical Functions
  • Lookup Functions
  • Financial Functions

Data Analysis Tools in Excel (2 hrs)

  • Descriptive Statistics

Data Visualization Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts (4 hrs)

  • Multi-dimensional Analysis of Data
  • Creating dashboard using Pivot Tables and Charts

Data Modeling and Forecasting Techniques (2 hrs)

  • Introduction to Data Schema using Power Pivot
  • Moving average method of forecasting
  • Linear regression method of forecasting

What-If Analysis and Scenario Building (2 hrs)

  • Goal-Seek
  • Data Tables
  • Scenario Manager

What-If Analysis and Scenario Building (2 hrs)

  • Goal-Seek
  • Data Tables
  • Scenario Manager

Excel Automation with Macro (2 hrs)

  • Recording macros
  • Modifying and applying macros


  • Text book and Session Handouts
  • Online links

Evaluation: Quiz and Take Home Assignment

Module 5: Power BI and Data Visualization
4 weeks

Introduction to Power BI (2 hrs)

  • Power BI – What and Why?
  • Installation and understanding the interface

Data Importing and Transformation (2 hrs)

  • Type of data
  • Data pre-processing

Data Modeling and Relationships (4 hrs)

  • Introduction to Joins
  • Introduction to cardinalities

Introduction to DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) (4 hrs)

  • Handling the queries
  • Advanced DAX Functions for Calculated Columns and Measures

Dashboard Design and Interactive Visualization Techniques (4 hrs)

  • Developing interactive dashboards


  • Text book and Session Handouts
  • Online links


  • Quiz and Take Home Assignment
Module 6: Capstone Project
2 weeks
  • Real-world Business Analytics Project
  • Problem Definition and Data Acquisition
  • Data Exploration and Analysis
  • Interpretation and Presentation of Findings
  • Implementation of Solutions - Project Presentation and Evaluation

The capstone project serves as a culmination of the learning outcomes from the Business Analytics certification program. Participants are tasked with selecting a real-world business problem and applying the tools and techniques acquired during the program to develop solutions. The recommendations derived from the analysis should be practical and actionable, providing tangible value to organizations. The capstone project will be evaluated by industry practitioners and instructors. Detailed guidelines for the capstone project are provided below:

Problem statement: Participants are required to select a real-world business problem as the focus of their capstone project.

Data acquisition: Utilize open-source data repositories such as Kaggle, Github, UCI, etc., or participants may opt to use their own datasets. Guidelines for dataset selection should be followed, ensuring relevance and suitability for the chosen problem.

Data pre-processing and exploration: After approval from instructors regarding the selected business problem and datasets, participants start data preparation using tools such as DAX and other relevant techniques. Thorough exploration of the data is encouraged to understand its characteristics and potential insights.

Analysis & Interpretation of findings: Participants should employ machine learning tools learned during the program to analyze the business goals. Findings should be interpreted with respect to the defined business objectives. Additionally, participants should diligently identify and address any gaps or anomalies in the results before formulating recommendations. Recommendations must be practical and actionable, aligning with the objectives of the analysis.

Presentation: During the presentation phase, participants are required to showcase their end-to-end ownership of the identified business problem and communicate the outcomes of the analysis in a storytelling format.

Book your seat now for Free!

Executive Program in Business Analytics
Executive Program in Investment Banking
Executive program in Product & Brand Management
Executive Program in Strategic HR Analytics
PGP in Strategy & Leadership
Executive Program in Healthcare Analytics
PGP In Big Data & AI For Business & Management
Professional Certificate Program in Cyber Security

Program Certification

Upon fulfillment of the evaluation requirements, participants will get an IMI New Delhi Executive Program In Business Analytics.

As per IMI New Delhi's internal policies, participants will be assessed through a tests and evaluations.

For the program to be completed successfully, each member must attend 75% of the live sessions or more.

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Admission Process

01. Complete the inquiry form

Once you submit the Enquiry Form, a counselor will contact you to discuss your eligibility.

02. Get Called and Put on a Shortlist

Your profile will be analysed by our admissions committee. You will receive an email verifying your program admission as soon as you meet the requirements.

03. Reserve a seat and start the preparatory session

To join the program, pay for your seat in advance. Start your business analytics journey with your Prep course!

Program Fee

Program Fee
₹ 140000
+ 18% GST
* ₹60,000 + Taxes to be paid upfront at the time of enrollment
Easy pay option with monthly EMIs available

Book your seat now for Free!

Executive Program in Business Analytics
Executive Program in Investment Banking
Executive program in Product & Brand Management
Executive Program in Strategic HR Analytics
PGP in Strategy & Leadership
Executive Program in Healthcare Analytics
PGP In Big Data & AI For Business & Management
Professional Certificate Program in Cyber Security

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Career Transitions

Frequently Ask Questions

What is covered in the IMI Delhi Business Analytics Certification course?
  • Data Analysis Fundamentals
  • Data VIsualization
  • Business Intelligence & Data warehousing Concepts
  • Data mining & Predictive modelling techniques
  • Big Data Analytics Fundamentals
Who ought to give this course some thought?

This application is perfect for:

  • Professionals wishing to get into the field of business analysis.
  • Professionals in the field looking to improve their data analysis abilities.
  • Anybody who wants to use data to better company decision-making and obtain new insights.
What is the format of this course ?
  • Lectures by industry experts
  • Case studies and simulations
  • Hand on Workshops using real world data sets
  • Group Projects
How will this certification benefit my career?

This certification demonstrates your knowledge and commitment to business analytics, potentially increasing your job prospects and marketability.

What are the career opportunities after completion of this course?

This course can open doors to various careers in business analytics, data analysis, business intelligence and related fields.