Executive Program in Investment Banking
Enhance your knowledge of investment banking With IMI & different concept of banking tools and leverage in this profession

Learn with Experts
One - on- one learning with mentors
Learn Anything
On investment banking activities
Flexible Learning
Access to your learning, with your satisfactory timing
Industrial Standard
Gain the conceptual framework of BFSI
Program Overview
Comprehensive understanding
Gain a thorough understanding of the principles, operations, and business of investment banking.
Giving players the freedom to choose how best to finance and reorganise their business in a changing environment.
Global and domestic context
Understanding investment banking concerns in the context of both the domestic and global markets.
Recognize the crucial regulatory requirements that the investment banker and the client must meet.
Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
To assess the effects of different HRM initiatives and create plans for ongoing development, create a variety of dashboards based on HR indicators.
Communication and Presentation
Clearly articulate in written reports and captivating presentations the consequences of the selected case, data-related assumptions, alternatives, and suggestions.

Course Curriculum
- Roles and functions of Investment Banks
- Investment Banking vs Commercial Banking
- Types of Investment Banks
- Core Activities of Investment Banks
- Allied Activities of Investment Banks
- Regulation of Investment Banking
- Ethical Issues in Investment Banking
- Select Case studies showcasing the roles and activities of Investment Banks.
Harvard Case Study- Lehman Brother and Repo 105
- Options of raising funds through Equity for private companies
- Public Issue of Equity vs Private Placement of Equity
- Why Go Public or Why IPO?
- IPO Process and eligibility
- Underwriting
- ICDR Guidelines
- IPOs Vs. SPACs
- Select Case studies showcasing the IPO decision analysis for a private company.
Case Study: Mamaearth IPO: The Pricing Dilemma of a Startup
- Options of raising funds through Equity for listed companies
- Follow on Public Offering (FPO)
- Rights Issue
- Private Equity
- Cases to examine the fund raising choices of listed companies.
- Why companies raise debt?
- Options for fund raising through debt for private and listed companies.
- Public Issue of Debt
- Private Placement of Debt
Case Studies from Text book
- Options for raising funds through Equity and Debt from global investors and/or markets.
- Direct Listing of Equity
- Depository Receipts – ADRs/ GDRs? IDRs
- Foreign Bonds
- Euro Bonds
- Masala Bonds
- Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds
- External Commercial Borrowings
- Case study to examine all domestic and global fund raising options.
Case Study: PRADA – To IPO or Not to IPO: That is the question again
- Concept of corporate restructuring
- Methods
- Equity Restructuring
- Debt restructuring
- Buyback
- Delisting
Case Study: Hinduja Global Solutions Limited – Rewarding The Shareholderss
Case Study: Suzlon Energy Limited: Debt Restructuring for Survival, Once Again
- Understanding the most effective benefit schemes
- Measuring employee satisfaction with rewards management
- Understanding the relationship between performance and rewards
- Impact of monetary and non-monetary rewards on performance
Case Study: Raymond Limited: Deleveraging and Demerger
- Concept of M&A, Joint venture, strategic alliance
- M&A types
- Role of buy side vs sell side Investment Bankers in M&A transactions
- Synergies
- Motivation and challenges of M&A
- Determination of Exchange Ratio
- SEBI takeover code
- LBOs and MBOs;
Harvard Case Study: Power Finance Corporation Limited: How to Benefit from Synergies?
Mindtree Limited – Defense against Hostile Takeover
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Faculty & Mentors

Professor Shikha Bhatia
Dr Shikha Bhatia is an Associate Professor at International Management Institute New Delhi with over 16 years of experience in finance and accounting. She has published research papers and cases in national and international journals, participated in conferences, workshops, and faculty development programs. She won awards for her research paper on Indian capital market and was awarded BIMTECH Young Scholar Award in ICMC2013 and ICMC2019. She is a guest editor for IJVCSN and a reviewer of refereed Journals. Her research interests include initial public offerings, corporate finance, ESG, and financial literacy.